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Foods and Supplementation

AF Power Food

Powdered food for corals based on a special mix of highly nutritious plankton and marine and freshwater algae.

Packaging available:

20 g

AF Protein Power

Soft granules with high protein content. Well-balanced blend of ingredients improves digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

Packaging available:

120 g

AF Pure Food

Powdered supplement for corals. Composition based on calcium carbonate to boost building skeletons.

Packaging available:

30 g

AF Tiny Fish Feed

Food for small fish and fry. This high-protein feed stimulates proper growth and builds immunity.

Packaging available:

120 g

AF Vege Clip

Fish food with glass attaching clip. Dedicated fish food for herbivorous and omnivorous fish, delivering essential vitamins and minerals.

Packaging available:

100 g

AF Vege Strength

Vegetable food for fish and invertebrates. Easily digestible, high fiber content and addition of spirulina.

Packaging available:

100 g

AF Vitality

Supplement supporting coral health. `special set of vitamins designed to obtain the best coral coloration.

Packaging available:

10 ml, 50 ml

AF Zoa Food

Carefully selected plant mixture developed to meet all the needs of Zoanthuses and mushroom corals.

Packaging available:

30 g

Anthias Pro Feed

Specialist food for anthias. Enriched with a high content of Omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA.

Packaging available:

120 g

Fish V

Multivitamin formula designed to boost the immunity of all ornamental fish, both freshwater and marine, providing comprehensive care.

Packaging available:

10 ml, 50 ml

Garlic Essence

Natural supplement from garlic extract. Containing vitamins, omega-3 acid, fish oil and natural antibiotics.

Packaging available:

10 ml, 50 ml

Garlic Oil

Natural supplement from garlic extract. Containing vitamins, omega-3 acid, fish oil and natural antibiotics.

Packaging available:

50 ml

Liquid Foods Pack

Comprehensive solution for your aquariums nutritional needs: set of four carefully selected liquid foods for your aquarium inhabitants.

Packaging available:

4x250 ml

Liquid Vege

Plant food made with top-quality natural ingredients.Composition is based on spinach and nori algae.

Packaging available:

250 ml

Plankton Elixir

High content of unsaturated Omega-3 acids, EPA, DHA and SDA, astaxanthin and other natural caretonoids.

Packaging available:

250 ml

Polyp Up

Polyp boosting formula. Enhances the appearance of polyp extensions and their hue.

Packaging available:

50 ml


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We care about the oceans. We support the restoration of coral reefs in the Maldives with Coral Mission.