How to get crystal clear aquarium water in freshwater tank? | Blog about aquariums | Resources | Aquaforest

Clear water in a freshwater aquarium. How to get clear aquarium water in fish tank?

Clear water in a freshwater aquarium is one of the most important factors that determine the attractiveness of our fish tank. Even the most beautiful aquarium won’t show all its beauty if the water inside is cloudy. This disrupts the perception of underwater life and makes it difficult to observe it freely. Crystal clear aquarium water is the goal that aquarists strive for; however, despite persistent efforts, it isn’t always achievable.

What causes water cloudiness?

Cloudiness or discoloration of water in an aquarium can have various causes, each requiring different actions and solutions.

Microorganisms — A bacterial bloom is a nightmare for aquarists and can happen in any aquarium. It arises as a result of an excess of nutrients present in the aquarium water. An unexperienced aquarist could create such a state by adding too much starter bacteria to a new aquarium. As a result, bacteria multiply in large numbers. But this problem usually goes away after the tank’s ecosystem stabilized.

Algae — An inappropriate level of nutrients in the aquarium, especially nitrates (NO3) and phosphates (PO4), can lead to rapid algae growth. We accidentally create a situation where there are more of these substances than the plants in the aquarium can consume. What does “inappropriate handling of the aquarium” mean?

  • Dosing inappropriate amounts of fertilizers without verifying our actions with water tests
  • Overstocking the aquarium
  • Overfeeding
  • Inefficient filtration

Organic particles — These include floating particles of fish food, waste, and decaying plants. The problem especially accumulates in aquariums with inefficient mechanical filtration.

Unstable substrate — This is a common problem in aquariums with very loose substrates, such as fine sand or gravel. When combined with bottom-dwelling fish, this substrate is often stirred up, cause cloudy water illusion. Additionally, as aquarists, we should avoid moving the substrate more than necessary, this action can release accumulated impurities into the aquarium water column, significantly altering fish tank water parameters and often resulting in sudden algae growth.

How to get clear aquarium water?

There are several key elements that determine the quality of aquarium water, and attention must be paid to them. The water in the aquarium should not only be clean but also biologically stable, free from toxins and excess pollution.

Regular water changes

Aquarium maintenance is the best way to keep your fish tank clean. An optimal amount of water exchanged during a water change is considered to be 30% of the tank’s volume. This amount ensures that the stability of the tank is not compromised. When we change the water, we remove some things that can build up and make the water cloudy or cause algae to grow. In extreme cases, they could affect the health and condition of the fish.

Proper aquarium filtration

The size of the aquarium and its inhabitants should be considered when adjusting the filtration. It is not sufficient to procure a device designed to accommodate the volume of our tank; it is also imperative to furnish it with the appropriate filter media. Depending on the chosen types, these will better support mechanical or biological filtration. Mechanical filtration in the aquarium captures larger fish waste from the water and stops them on the filter media. Biological filtration, on the other hand, promotes the multiplication of beneficial nitrifying bacteria responsible for the biological stability of the tank. These bacteria break down organic residues such as uneaten fish food, waste, or dead aquarium plants parts and prevent the excessive buildup of harmful substances like NO2, NO3, and NH3.

Proper feeding

Especially beginner aquarists tend to overfeed fish in the aquarium. Leftover, uneaten food decomposes into small particles, causing cloudiness. Additionally, this promotes algae growth and the reproduction of unwanted snails. So don’t overfeed your fish. The optimal amount of food is one that the fish can eat within a few minutes. The unfinished fish meal can be sucked out with a gravel vacuum if necessary.


Plants are our allies in the battle against water cloudiness and algae growth in the aquarium. This is because they utilize the same substances that feed also the algae. Additionally, they are responsible for oxygen production, which further improves water quality. A properly balanced amount of plants in the aquarium contributes to stabilizing water conditions and enhancing water clarity.

What to do when weekly water changes are not enough?

Sometimes, despite taking care of the aquarium, our actions are not enough, and the water still stays cloudy. So what should we do in such a situation?

For every aquarist who notices worrying changes in the aquarium, the first step should be to check the water parameters. Constantly updating our knowledge about the chemical composition of the water allows for more conscious and responsible aquarium management. By knowing the parameters in the freshwater aquarium water, we can easily diagnose the problem and resolve it.

Increasing the efficiency of filtration can also help. This can be done either by increasing the aquarium filters flow rate or by replacing it with a more powerful one. Proper biological and chemical filtration is key to success, not only in the battle for clear water but also for the overall aquarium health.

If we identify the cause of our water cloudiness as a green water or a bloom of protozoans, a UV lamp can be very effective in reducing these types of water contaminants. However, it is important to remember that it addresses the symptoms, not the cause; therefore, it should only be used as a temporary solution and should not be applied continuously.

AF Clear Boost – An innovative solution for crystal clear water in freshwater aquariums

A perfect solution for the issue of water cloudiness is AF Clear Boost. This modern and specialized product from Aquaforest is dedicated to every aquarist looking to get crystal clear aquarium water quickly and ensure the aquarium has a flawless appearance. What distinguishes this product from others is its 100% safe formula for the fish and plants living in the aquarium, which does not affect water parameters. The product works by binding invisible dirt particles into larger aggregates, making it easier to filter them out.

Immediately after application, the water in the aquarium may temporarily take on a white tint, but after a while, this effect subsides, revealing perfectly clear water.

Maintaining ideal water clarity in a freshwater aquarium requires regular practices, such as water change, effective aquarium filters, proper plant care, and monitoring water parameters. In situations where standard methods are insufficient, it is worth reaching for products like AF Clear Boost, which can assist in the water clarification process.