Nitrogen cycle in aquarium
Once we have a plan for what we want the aquarium to look like and what fish we want to keep in it, it’s crucial to take care of the right conditions. Many beginner aquarists and fish keepers skip this step or do not do it thoroughly enough, which is a mistake. Therefore, we’ll introduce the topic of the nitrogen cycle and aquarium maturation and help you to prepare your tank.
What is the nitrogen cycle a fish tank?
The nitrogen cycle is the most essential process in an aquarium. This process involves creating and maintaining a safe biological environment for all organisms in the aquarium.
The aquarium cycle is a biological process that begins when a source of ammonia (such as fish waste or food) enters the aquarium. Beneficial bacteria and plants convert ammonia into nitrite, which then becomes nitrate. Once nitrate forms, the cycle is complete.
Aquarium maturation – how does it work?
The maturation of the aquarium is influenced by two processes that allow the nitrogen cycle to begin. The first process is the introduction and proliferation of nitrifying bacteria in your tank. The second process involves these bacteria converting toxic substances, such as ammonia, into nitrite and then into nitrate. The first few days are likely to have large fluctuations in parameters.
Nitrogen cycle – how to cycle a new fish tank?
What do you need to cycle? Before starting the cycling process, every new aquarium requires:
- key aquarium components such as pumps, substrates
- filtration elements (filters, filter media, sponges)
- aquarium test kit (especially for amount of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate)
- fish food
- filtered water (we recommend to use RO filter)
Unfiltered tap water likely contains harmful substances. One of them is chlorine, which disrupts the tank cycle and alters the pH. We have an alternative option if you don’t have an RO filter. Specifically for the freshwater tank, we have created the AF Water Conditioner, which treats tap water and also provides vitamins and protective colloids. Combined with AF Remineralizer, which provides minerals, they create the right conditions for the aquarium.
Here are the 3 most popular ways to start a nitrogen cycle:
How to cycle without a fish? (freshwater and marine aquarium)
This fishless cycle solution requires much more time than others, but is the most safe and fish-friendly way to cycle an aquarium.
- Equip the aquarium with the basic components we mentioned earlier. Filters, pumps, and substrate must be in place and working before the new tank will start maturation. All these elements will allow the bacteria to adjust to the aquarium conditions. In addition, the bacteria will have somewhere to settle and multiply.
- Keep the pH at the right level. If the pH drops below 7.0 or rises above 9.0, it will cause ammonia levels to rise. There are many pH measurement tests available on the market.
- It’s time to add an ammonia source, such as fish food. As it decomposes, it releases ammonia. Maintain levels at 3 ppm, checking frequently. If too low, add food; if above 5 ppm, do a water change.
- After a week, nitrite should be detected, start checking their level. They are formed from ammonia. So you need to take care of a stable level of ammonia at the same time as well. Otherwise, the nitrate level (which is formed from nitrite) will disappear, and then the whole process must be started again. If you observe a drop in nitrite levels with adequate ammonia levels, this is a sign to start using a nitrate test.
- Detecting nitrates means the cycle is nearly complete, but bacteria still need food. Add half the first day’s food. The tank is ready when ammonia and nitrites drop to zero while nitrates remain. Start with a few fish, monitoring ammonia—if stable at zero, add more.

How to cycle a fish tank with plants? (freshwater aquarium)
If you want to choose this solution, you will need to stock up on nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
- Prepare the aquarium as in the previous method.
- It’s a good idea to disinfect the plants before adding them. This preparation will prevent unwanted parasites and bacteria in the tank.
- The next step is to provide the plants with adequate light to help them photosynthesize. The lighting should be on for 10–12 hours during the day.
- Now is the time to add the fertilizer we mentioned earlier. Moreover, remember to make regular water changes to reduce algae.
- When observing the aquarium, if you notice an increase in algae, it is a sign that the cycle is closing. If there is too much algae, reduce the lighting. Remember to check ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. When ammonia and nitrite are not detected, but nitrate are, it means that the nitrogen cycle is complete.
Nitrogen cycle with used filtration media? (marine aquarium)
- In this case, we will use one of the biological filtration media, on which there are already settled bacteria. So these elements must be taken from an already working aquarium. For these media, we can include for example: piece of rock, filter cartridge or ceramic rings. You can buy them from an aquarium store or from a friendly aquarist, but you need to be sure that the elements are not infected with parasites.
If you want to make sure your filter media is not infected, we recommend using our Life Bio Fil. It is a natural biological filter media that initiates and accelerates the nitrification process. - After a week, you will need a source of ammonia. Therefore, put some crabs and shrimps in the aquarium, these invertebrates are called the cleaning crew. Feed them every day, in very small portions. After a few days, they will start producing ammonia.
- Now start testing water parameters. This will help control the entire cycle.
- At some point, you will see a spike in ammonia, followed by a spike in nitrite. The moment you see a spike in nitrates, and at the same time, ammonia and nitrites should drop. This is a sign that the aquarium is ready.
How long to cycle a tank?
The maturation time of the tank lasts from 2 to 8 weeks. There are several factors that affect the timing of this process. E.g., size of aquarium, temperature of water, pH, and also type of aquarium. If maturation takes longer than expected, don’t panic— it may just need more time.
How to cycle your aquarium quickly?
Aquaristic is a fast-growing field, so we have created many bacterial products to help speed up the cycle of your tank. Many products in our assortment will help you achieve this goal, ensuring a safe environment for your fish and aquarium plants.
For saltwater tanks, we recommend to use AF Starting Method:
AF Rock, AF Bio Sand, Life Bio Fil, AF Life Source and Bio S from day one as recommended. In my case and many other reefers these products accelerate whole maturation process and helped to minimize ugly stage when starting new tank.
AF Rock due to the high porosity, it facilitates bacteria settlement and works perfectly as a filtration media. That’s a video which shows our rock!
AF Bio Sand comes from the highest quality natural white sand deposits. The bottles included contain laboratory isolated strains of nitrifying bacteria and a nourishment, facilitating their development and multiplication.
Life Bio Fil is a natural biological filtration media. Due to carefully selected bacterial strains it initiates and supports the nitrification process which accelerates maturation.
AF Life Source comes from a 100% natural deposit in the cleanest waters of the Pacific, from Fiji. It is perfect as a buffer to enhance microbiology in saltwater aquariums. Biological stabilization is a crucial factor for corals health.
Bio S is excellent at reducing ammonia and nitrogen compounds, supporting the nitrification process.
We also recommend Hybrid Pro Salt, which contains probiotic bacteria.
We suggest AF Life Essence for every freshwater aquarium, which takes care of freshwater fish and plants. In addition, it helps lower ammonia levels.