AF Micro

Highly concentrated basic fertilizer with a complete set of micro nutrients necessary for the optimal development of aquarium plants.

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Highly concentrated basic fertilizer with a complete set of micro nutrients necessary for the optimal development of aquarium plants. Uniquely created formula was designed to provide plants with essential elements such as: copper, manganese, iron, molybdenum, zinc, boron. Regular dosage of the AF Micro allows providing the right amount of bioelements necessary for the proper, healthy and flourishing growth of aquatic plants. The unique formula ensures a significant acceleration of plant growth, but also their intense colors and healthy look. Micro nutrients are involved in the formation of chlorophyll, biosynthesis of proteins and in many biochemical transformations. Deficiencies cause photosynthesis process disorders, chlorosis, leaf deformation, but also the inhibition of growth and development. AF Micro, as a perfectly digestible composition of bio available elements, guarantees healthy look of aquarium plants. AF Micro is perfect for heavily-planted aquariums.



8 drops per day or 4 ml AF Micro per 100l of water once a week. Recommended parallel use with AF Macro, AF Carbon Boost or AF PO4 Boost and AF N Boost. Parallel supplementation with other micronutrient formulas should not be carried out due to the risk of plant overexposure. Absorbents such as zeolite and/or carbon may reduce effectiveness of the formula.

1 ml in 10 l of aquarium water will raise levels:

  • Mo Molybdenum 0,0012 mg/l (ppm)
  • Ni Nickel 0,00021 mg/l (ppm)
  • Mn Manganese 0,25 mg/l (ppm)
  • Co Cobalt 0,0003 mg/l (ppm)
  • Fe Iron 0,38 mg/l (ppm)
  • Zn Zinc 0,037 mg/l (ppm)
  • Mg Magnesium 1,2 mg/l (ppm)
  • Ca Calcium 0,45 mg/l (ppm)
  • K Potassium 8,16 mg/l (ppm)
  • B Boron 0,021 mg/l (ppm)
  • Sr Strontium 0,02 mg/l (ppm)
  • Br Bromine 0,004 mg/l (ppm)
  • Ti Titanium 0,00345 mg/l (ppm)
  • Cu Copper 0,005 mg/l (ppm)

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125 ml, 2000 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml

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