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New additions to our range: AF Clear Boost, Polyp-up, and Component 3 in 1

22 07, 2024

New additions to our range: AF Clear Boost, Polyp-up, and Component 3 in 1

Hello, aquarium enthusiasts! We have exciting news for you. Our range has just been enriched with three exceptional products that are sure to revolutionize your aquariums.


  • AF Clear Boost: An innovative solution designed for clarifying water in freshwater aquariums.
  • Polyp-up: A high-quality supplement significantly affects coral polyping and coloration.
  • Component 3 in 1: A unique 3-in-1 product that greatly simplifies and accelerates the dosing of all crucial micro and macro elements.

AF Clear Boost: Crystal clear water in no time

The answer to cloudy water in your freshwater aquarium is AF Clear Boost. This specialized preparation removes impurities quickly and effectively, ensuring crystal clear water. It is also completely safe for fish, plants, and other aquatic organisms, in other words, for all aquarium inhabitants.

Why choose AF Clear Boost?

  • Eliminates water cloudiness: Thanks to its unique formula, AF Clear Boost effectively removes particles responsible for water cloudiness.
  • Supports the filtration process: The product facilitates the removal of impurities by the aquarium's filtration system.
  • Safe for all aquarium inhabitants: It has no negative impact on fish, plants, or other aquatic organisms.
  • Immediate effect: works within a few hours of application.

AF Clear Boost speeds up the water clarifying process, so you can enjoy your work faster. After applying the product, the water may temporarily turn white, which indicates that impurities are beginning to accumulate and will soon be removed.

Polyp-up: Enhancing and coloring corals

For coral lovers, we have something special – Polyp-up. This nutritional supplement supports polyp extensions, enhances coloration, and increases coral resistance. Due to its unique formula, Polyp-up enhances color saturation and promotes tissue growth and the building of coral skeletons.

Benefits of Polyp-up:

  • Supports coral skeleton building: The product contains microelements such as iron, zinc, manganese, and iodine, essential for metabolic processes.
  • Aids polyping: Nutrients in Polyp-up provide corals with easier access to food.
  • Enhances coral coloration: Polyp-up particularly intensifies yellow and orange colors.
  • Boosts resistance: Antioxidants protect delicate coral tissues from the harmful effects of free radicals.
  • Contains crucial microelements: Enriched with amino acids and vitamins, it aids nutrient absorption and accelerates tissue growth.

Polyp-up is also a valuable source of essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are crucial for coral health. The antioxidants present in the mixture protect tissues from environmental stress, such as increased temperature or UV radiation.

Component 3 in 1: Comprehensive macro and microelement set for marine aquariums

Component 3 in 1 is a comprehensive, easy-to-use "all-in-one" product containing a set of macro- and microelements perfectly balanced for the needs of corals in marine aquariums. Concentrated calcium, magnesium, and KH provided in the right proportions support coral health and condition. The product contains organic calcium salts, which also serve as a carbon source for the marine aquarium. Great for medium and nano aquariums.

What Makes Component 3 in 1 unique?

  • Key role in coral growth: Provides essential macroelements and trace elements necessary for coral health and growth.
  • Improves and maintains coral coloration: Perfectly balanced ingredients support color intensity.
  • Quick and simple dosing: The all-in-one formula eliminates the risk of incorrect proportions.
  • Ideal balance: The product contains 40,000 mg of Ca, 1,900 mg of Mg, 5,800°KH, and trace elements in 1 liter.

Component 3 in 1 is not only a convenient and quick solution, but also an effective method to provide your corals with everything they need for healthy growth and beautiful coloration.


The new additions to our range – AF Clear Boost, Polyp-up, and Component 3 in 1 – are products that will take your aquariums to the next level. With AF Clear Boost, you'll forget about cloudy water problems. Polyp-up will provide your corals with optimal growth conditions and coloration, and Component 3 in 1 will supply essential macro and microelements to marine aquariums in a simple way.

Thanks to these three innovative products, aquarium care will become simpler and more effective. Let yourself be captivated by our new offerings and discover their remarkable properties!


Products will be available in stores from August.